Friday, June 18, 2010


     I've finally gotten this blog up.  I've been procrastinating for so long because I wanted it to be perfect.  The blog host, the images, the design... all had to be just right before anyone could see it.  Well it turns out that you miss out on a whole lot waiting for things to be perfect.

     Anyone who knows me knows that Lil' Peach Photography is brand new.  My business license is brand new, my websites are brand new, and when the studio is finally finished, it will be brand new also.  So why pretend that I've had a blog forever?  The blog is new, and no, it's not just the way I'd like it to be, but we all start somewhere.  And truthfully, I'm so excited to be "starting" at all that I'm finding it difficult to be terribly ashamed of not being perfect.  I'm thrilled to be surrounded by so many wonderful people who understand how much photography and family mean to me, and are ready to embark on this journey with me.

     So here it is, flaws and all.  Hopefully you'll stick around to see this little seedling start to sprout!


  1. Great post and a perfect perspective to have! You're gonna do great and in time thins will fall into place just as you dream of them being!

    :) Leah

  2. I ran across your blog by reading Leah's blog. Everything looks so good - the blog, the logo, the photos! :) Good luck to you! I'm in the process of starting my photography business too. Oh and I love love love your "Who am I" description.
