Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hometown Tourist

"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

     One of my best friends and her son will be arriving from sunny LA tomorrow.  I've been trying to find all the best things to do in Tacoma and Seattle to keep us busy while they're here.  Seattle aquarium, science center, children's museum...  It made me realize how many things there are that I could be out doing.  There are so many places within 45 minutes of my home that I've never been to. 
     It's been so many years since I've walked around downtown Seattle and gone into a new restaurant I've never tried before.  It's just easier now to go to Red Robin where I know the child seats are clean, it's no big deal if Lila gets messy or fussy, and she'll like the grilled cheese and cantaloupe.  There are a zillion reasons I miss living in the San Fernando Valley, but a huge one is that after being born and raised in Tacoma, WA, everything there was new and exciting.  Turns out all I really need to do is take a new street, a new exit off the freeway, try a new restaurant, go into that boutique that I've driven past a thousand times...  I need a little more tourism in my life!

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